Navigating Ongoing Challenges: Addressing Concerns and Charting a Secure Path Forward, 1 CE

Navigating Ongoing Challenges Graphic

A Special Event for Principal Brokers

Concerned with the ongoing NAR litigation and what it means for REALTOR® Organizations and our industry as a whole?

Join member and staff leadership for an insightful open-discussion session where we talk about the current legal landscape and its potential impact on our organization and the industry's future. Our aim is to address concerns and empower our members with the knowledge on how we are actively working to navigate these challenges. Your questions and input are vital in shaping a secure path forward for REALTOR® organizations.

Session Agenda:

  • The latest on the NAR litigation—What we know and what we don’t know
  • What Oregon REALTORS® is doing to protect our members and enhance their success
  • Open Discussion/Q&A—We want to hear your questions, concerns, and what Oregon REALTORS® can be doing to help you and your brokerage navigate these uncertain times


Panelists include:

Jeremy Rogers, Oregon REALTORS® Director of Legal Affairs

Jenny Pakula, Oregon REALTORS® CEO

Grace Bergen, 2023 Oregon REALTORS® President

Ashleigh Fordham, 2024 Oregon REALTORS® President Elect

Brent Landels, 2025 Oregon REALTORS® President Elect, 2023 COAR President

Jaynee Beck, 2024 COAR President Elect

Event Properties

Event Date October 17, 2023 3:00 pm
Event End Date October 17, 2023 4:00 pm
Registered 375
Location Hybrid : In-Person at COAR and Virtual Webinar
We are no longer accepting registration for this event
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