OAR | Technology | 6 CE



This GRI class will be held on Zoom from 9am to 12pm on March 3rd and March 4th. It is required to attend both 3-hour session in order to get CE.

Please note, for tracking of CE, Oregon REALTORS® is requiring all attendees to have their video on during the course. You can use your phone, built-in webcam, or external webcam. For webcam support, please contact tech support hotline at 888-804-8226.
In this class we will cover everything you need to know about using technology to prospect, market, and efficiently run your business. We will cover critical topics like data backups and security, to marketing and promotion systems, to emerging social media platforms. 

Event Properties

Event Date March 03, 2021 9:00 am
Event End Date March 03, 2021 12:00 pm
Location Webinar
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